Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Relative Differences

I could not imagine not seeing my siblings on a regular basis. If I don't see at least 2 thirds of my siblings complet with spouses, children and pets a couple of times a week - they all but call out the national guard for a well-being check! Seriously, when I was growing up I, along with the other two eldest sisters would talk about how one day, we would live in a triple decker. This was before our two youngest sisters were born and clearly excludes our oldest sibling and brother. Sorry bro - we still love you!!! This almost came to fruition when two of us wound up in our grandparents' 3 family. We were delighted! Even though our oldest sister defected all the way to New Hampshire, the rest of us all still live within a 5 mile radius. After our grandparents passed away, they had to sell the house and my sister and I were separated by - gasp- almost a mile! Even though we can frequently be found going to Mass, followed by breakfast on Sundays, and running around on all kinds of errands and wild goose chases together, we knew that the distance was just too far and would not do. Just under a year and a half later, I found a great apartment just around the corner from my sister's new house! Within a month we'll be reunited - Amen!!!

Some people might think I'm nuts, but that's not that half of my crazy family codependency issues!! Not only do we spend every birthday, holiday, Mother's Day, Father's Day & Memorial Day (I'm not kidding) together, we all also e-mail and call each other on a several-times-a-daily basis!!

Now - when it comes to my husband's family - the situation is completely different. He is the youngest in a family of 8 and has a twin and he doesn't really keep in touch with any of them, not even his twin!!! I can't even fathom it!!! I don't care how dysfunctional a family can be, how do you go DECADES without seeing each other and years without speaking???????????

Sadly, we attended a wake for my sister in law's husband - a couple that, even though they only live a couple of cities over, we only see once a year at best. It took that wake to see two more of his siblings that we haven't seen in over a decade!!!! Folks, that's insanity. I come from a very touchy - feely, at times dope-slappy family, so I accosted these people with hugs and kisses and threats (not really) of dope slaps if they didn't do the same among themselves. After the wake, I scolded my husband, as I always do around the holidays, sibling birthdays, special occasions, weekends... well you get the point.

People, keep in touch with your families no matter what shape or size they take. Whether you're related by blood or by mutual admiration, respect and love. Time goes too fast!! Enjoy your family every day!!!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Mothers Be Good To Your Daughters

Over the weekend I spent some quality time with a close friend and her two daughters. Our families are very, extremely close and in summer, we are often inseparable. Being the young mothers of three extremely bright, beautiful and engaging teenage girls, we have some great adventures and some very candid discussions. The discussions cover every topic under the sun from fashion to education to careers to relationships and sex. As GenX moms of GenY girls, we identified a long time ago that there is nothing to be gained by being shy or coy in communicating about sex or relationships when it comes to our girls. The topics are far too vast to be relegated to one big "talk".

New Job & Other New Beginnings

Ok, so a while back I blogged about my new temp assignment and how I hoped the pace would pick up a bit and wondered if it would evolve into the all-American 9 to 5 dream. Well, it has picked up and it is evolving into a 9 to 5:30 dream. Hopefully I'll have my job offer tomorrow and it lands close to my target. Then I'll be able to accept the offer and live happily ever after!! Aaah!!!

The people are great, the work is interesting and a far cry from the tech mfg. environment I spent the last 7+ years in. Isn't it interesting how much less affected an investment firm can be by investors than a technology company? Probably because investors understand a lot more about investments, than say - how to design, develop and manufacture semi-conductor test equipment???? I imagine in the new employer's investor meetings there are a lot less screams of "send it to China, it's cheaper in China!!!". Oh the insanity of it all!!

Sorry - I was having flashbacks for a minute.

So, on other new beginnings, I recently started a new nutrition management program. It's not as much a program, as it is a plan. I made it up myself based on observations and common sense judgements from myself and folks who have had success with weight loss and mgmt and I think it's actually working. Are you ready for it? It's really simple. Consume reasonable amounts (not weighed or measured, just eyeballed) of basic proteins(chicken, fish, lean beef), fruits and vegetables (low carb ones - mostly greens)and complex carbs (brown rice, high fiber bread and oatmeal) and that's it. By doing that about 2/3 of the time over my first week, I lost 2.5 lbs. I also had my period when I weighed in so you know the loss would have been higher if not for the bloat.

Additionally, I have blogged about wanting to - no needing to- join a gym. I think I have my answer, planet fitness has a location near gov't ctr. (not far from the new office) and on 1A. I can do downtown during the week and 1A on the weekends. Plus 1A has free tanning!!! Love that!!!!! So, when I get the first "real" check, I'll probably sign up and be at the gym daily in the AM. I love it!!!!!!

So, here's to new beginnings, new jobs, and a smaller, tanner, richer, happier me!!!!!!