Friday, July 25, 2008

I'm Back

Not that I have any readership to keep up with but, I've been spending most of my blog time on my other blog titled "Family Style". We (my siblings, their spouses, etc. and I) created it about a month and a half ago as a means to communicate about and inspire one another on our missions to get in shape and lose weight. It is a private blog, so unfortunately, unless you're related, you won't get to read the insanity that we can often come up with. I'm a big fat exhibitionist (not literally) and really don't care who reads my stuff, but many of my family members are a lot more shy than I am.

At any rate - I am a little bit peeved with them because NO ONE has been blogging lately. Seems like everyone has fallen off the wagon or off the face of the earth. I've been blogging my chubby little heart out and no responses. Soo... I 'm working on distributing my blog time a little more evenly so that I make time for my mid-life progress.

I'm at work now, but wanted to drop a quick note in the event any new visitors stopped by and noted the March date from my last post. I'll be back tonight!