Saturday, May 30, 2009

10 Miles Behind Me and 10,000 More to Go...

So - as I'm sitting here at 12:30 A.M. on Friday 5/29 I'm pondering my one and only daughter's last day of high school and her upcoming graduation while watching the last episode of the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. He just had James Taylor on who performed our (mine and Jay's - who knew?) favorite song - Sweet Baby James. The lyrics that resonate with both of us the most are " ...10 miles behind me and 10,000 more to go..."

I've done a lot of thinking lately - particularly today - about how much work it has taken to get my little cherub to this point in her educational career and how much more work she has ahead of her and I have ahead of me. So it's interesting how appropriate those lyrics are.

It's also funny how quickly time flies and major milestones creep up on you. I remember when she got accepted to this school and I contemplated the 6 year path ahead of her/us. It seemed like an eternity but it all went by in the blink of an eye. There have been dozens, no hundreds of activities and and events, projects and papers, dances, shows and competitions, breakfasts and banquets that have distracted us along the way. Each occasion stealing a slice out of this 6-year eternity. This morning I woke up and it was my baby's last day of - well being a baby. We have exactly 1 week and 3 days until graduation - then that's it. It's over. She's a grown up who will be heading to college in the fall. Hey wait - it's not over yet....she's going to college in the fall!! Where she'll spend 4 long years....Phew! That was close!