Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Busy Weekend, Meeting With Recruiter - Update you later

Ok - I just wanted to force myself to write something before I bolt out the door. I had the most hectic weekend and am running to a doctor's appointment and meet with my recruiter then a visit with som pals at the State House. Will write more later.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Back to Blogging

Hi Folks,
Amazing how fast time flies. I've been away from the blog for over 3 months. I realize how much I need an outlet where I am able to share my stories with folks that are interested. It's very cathartic to put things in print where I can actually see how great my life is and realize the whirlwind that it is. This weekend alone I'm in the process of writing 2 resumes, crafting a proposal for a prospective client, hosting a birthday party for my 18 year old and running a fndraiser for my church. Although I am truly pretty busy - I want to make it a point to stop and write a few lines every day.

I'll be back soon!