Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Busy Weekend, Meeting With Recruiter - Update you later

Ok - I just wanted to force myself to write something before I bolt out the door. I had the most hectic weekend and am running to a doctor's appointment and meet with my recruiter then a visit with som pals at the State House. Will write more later.


Unknown said...

Why don't I have an email address for you? send me an email please....fabulouslyoutthere@yahoo.com

I hve an open house in Chelsea from 11 to 1 that I'd love to see...if I have a car...so we might have to move brunch a bit (unless you want to come with me...might be good, you know this area better than me:)

Mid-Life Progress said...

OMG!! I just saw this comment you left for me. Sorry - I feel bad you missed your open house!! Had a great time today at brunch and am working on mustering up a blog entry now. I'll send you and e-mail with all of my contact info so we don't have a repeat of this.