Thursday, April 30, 2009

Busy, Busy...Business!

I have to be the world's busiest unemployed person!!! I swear between the political campaigns, the fundraising projects, networking intiatives, and then the 1 or 2 actual clients - not to mention my poor neglected family - I've hardly had time to come up for air!! I've been having a blast and - despite my tentative steps toward promoting my own business - I've made some excellent connections and contacts almost effortlessly. I've distributed business cards all over the place and even have people asking me for my cards. I think in this day and age of downsizing and growing interest in entrepreneurial endeavors - my freelance Administrative Assistant, Virtual Assistant, and Event Planning services are very marketable. Should my business take off the way things seem to be indicating - I'll need to ramp up my infrastructure pretty quickly. These are very exciting times!!! I will post shortly with updates on all of my endeavors.

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