Sunday, January 3, 2010

Year in Review

So...I didn't really do a great job of blogging last year but have a plan to keep up for this year. I'll share that in the next post.

I was going to do a quick year in review but decided that a lot of last year's activities and milestones will make a cameo appearance in this year's blog posts - if not completely feature. A few items include my one and only daughter turning 18, graduating high school and beginning college; running several successful events for the church - including another amazing annual festival, Captaining a team for my first 'Relay for Life' all night walk, becoming laid off - deciding to go out on my own as a freelance admin/event planner - join the chamber, coordinate a series of successful client events AND beginning my own clothing line!

Stay tuned for this year's posts. They are sure to be interesting!!!

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