Thursday, July 1, 2010

I'm Back!

It's so challenging keeping up with this thing when life is so busy! However, if for nothing else, I need to stop in every once in a while so I can keep tabs on all that I have going on!

So far this year - my daughter finished her freshman year of college, I was the Publicity Chair and captained a team for the East Boston Relay for Life, participated on the committee (my first year not as chair) for the 4th Annual Sacred Heart Festival featuring the Stylistics and coordinated a community forum to discuss the advent of a Casino Forum at Suffolk Downs.

That combined with my full time/contract gig as a training coordinator at a downtown financial firm, the continued growth of my business and event consultancy and my clothing line and a couple of sales gigs - is keeping me pretty busy.

But, like I said, I need a place to stop for a moment and make note of the noteable stuff. So - hopefully, ideally - I'll be back soon!

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