Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The Rest of My Life...

Happy New Year!!!

I'm not sure if anyone will read this. If anyone is out there, I am inviting you to take a journey with me. I hadn't intended to wait until New Year's Day to start this process however as cliche as it is, I decided that I wouldn't let that stop me.

I am a 35 year old wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend and work in progress.
Until recently, life has seemed to have just "happened" to me.
Lately, I have started to make some major decisions. Although the results of some of those decisions have been wildly successful, others have been a bit dismal.
Tonight, the catalyst for sitting down and creating this blog has been the realization that I am in control of my life - nobody else. I need to take charge and drive my own destiny, for better or for worse. Hence the title, because today is the first day of "The rest of my life..." Stay Tuned!

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