Sunday, January 6, 2008

Not Getting Off to a Very Auspicious Start

So... it's 6 days later and I've been on line for most of the week on a daily basis doing everything but working this blog or on anything I could possibly blog about. In my inaugural post I vowed to take reader's on a journey to discover more about myself, the world and life in general. Way to come across as ambitious without really pinning myself down to anything. So needless to say - I haven't really accomplished a whole lot since I've posted. Well, that's not entirely true. I did manage to get my hair and nails done - ( I can hear the collective groans of womankind and feminists everywhere!!! ). I also met with the small business administration to discuss a business idea that I have. That meeting yielded me another appointment and a homework assignment - so I have some work cut out for me. I need to draft up some financial projections for my proposed business. In order to do that, I have some serious benchmarking to do. I will keep you updated on that.

Outside of developing my business plan, I have several other accomplishments that are of equal - if not greater importance. That is to find a job (the verizon bill doesn't pay itself you know?) and get in shape. That being said, I plan to join the local Y (I'll update on that tomorrow.) and will reconnect with my recruiters and let you know how the job search goes.

If you're out there, thanks for reading! I'd' love to hear from you with any questions, advice or feedback.


Me said...

Hey Fellow Eastie Blogger! YAY!!!!

Thanks for stopping by and for your kind words about my dating woe...seriously.....sweet Jesus, do I hate dating, but the worst part of it all was my bruised ego. Who likes to know they came in second? ;) At least he was honest though.

I work as the manager at the YMCA on weekends. Email me at and we can totally chat about blogging, East Boston, and the Y. :)

Fabulous (and Fabulous Dog)

Mid-Life Progress said...

Hi Fabulous! Thanks for the reply!!! My sister works at the Y too - I'll e-mail you to reveal my true identity and tell you who she is :))))))

I have been, and love it, especially when my sister is kicking my Butt!!!! I'm just too broke to sign my family up right now. I just started a new temp assignment so things are looking up!!!

About the dating stuff, if it makes you feel any better, it's no picnic being the plus-sized wing-chick for your single friends. You have no idea how many panicked wing-men I have had to spew out my 5-second "don't worry I'm just the married wing chick" spiel to in order to facilitate a love connection between my single friends and prospective suitors. Talk about humiliating??? Assuming the connection is made - I wind up spending half the time coming up with clever responses to remarks like, "For a someone of your size - you have a pretty face." OR "You're so funny", or the ever popular - "You know some girls can't carry the extra weight well but you are well proportioned."

I feel like screaming - "Listen Bozo - don't bother finding reasongs to justify being seen with me, I'm just the married friend trying to help a sister out. You don't need to like me, because I could care less!! Geez!!!"

Ok, so maybe I'm just a bit sensitive. So you see - even us old, long-married chicks have our burdens to bear. : ))))

Happy Blogging!

Work in Progress...