Monday, January 21, 2008

An Unintended Wish...Answered

So, I have always been up for helping out a good cause - particularly if there is an opportunity to have fun, learn something new about myself or to set and meet some challenges that I wouldn't have otherwise entertained in the process. It's always nice when there's a double payoff that way.

I think my first community service gig was when I participated in the "Walk For Hunger". I think I was about 14 or so and I was so excited that I was able to finish all 20 miles. I have completed about7 or 8 more walks for hunger since, along with one breast cancer 3-day event and have volunteered at a retirement home for veterans and a shelter for woman and children. I am vice president of a local charity and have recently become involved in my churches fundraising program as well as the local political landscape. So - you may be wondering, along with my husband, "is there anything that she wouldn't do?" Yeah, if there is one weakness that I have - it's a problem with saying no - especially to good causes.

Another thing about me is I have a huge aversion to death and any mention of it or anything that will even make me think about it. My husband and daughter can't help but laugh at me as I change the channel or flee from the room at the mere mention of anything to do with it crosses the television screen. I am really that bad.

So, both of these major factors being considered, imagine my conflict when a friend requested that I volunteer to help out on an event that's sole purpose is to cater to members of the local chapter of "Make A Wish Foundation". Although I'm always up for helping out ANY good cause, the prospect of being faced with the grim specter of terminally ill children, tore at me and was almost debilitating.

But I am so glad I said yes.

The event took place today and it catered to dozens of seriously ill children and their families. I was really terrified at the thought of interracting with all of those children. I was terrified that they would sense my discomfort. I was terrified that my anxiety would be apparent and my interraction with them would cast a pall over their day. Quite the opposite happened. These kids and their families were absolutely amazing! The place was wall to wall smiles as the children participated in all kinds of activities. They sang and danced, they got their faces painted and did art work. They met Cinderella and Snow White, took pictures with Winnie the Pooh and Power Rangers. They just had a blast and their joy was contagious.

There was this one litte girl that captured the hearts of everyone in attendance. Her name is Lexy and I don't think she was older than 10. Despite her illness, which I presume caused the condition that had her wearing a bandana to compensate for hair loss, Lexy stole the show, literally. She sang and danced and took over the run of the floor. She gave such a vigorous performance for a large portion of the day, you almost forgot that she was ill. Se was such a riot, when she literally stole the show, and the microphone, from the DJ. He referred to her as his partner and she was just truly inspirational with a voice and performance that could rival Hanna Montana. The overall atmosphere was so upbeat that I forgot that we were at a "Make A Wish" event. It truly was a joy and a privilege to be there helping out and have the opportunity to meet all of those kids and families.

At the end of the day, all of us volunteers lined the gangplank in a "goodbye line" to thank all the guests for coming and it was wonderful to see all of them still beaming as they left- even little Lexy as she high-fived us all of the way down the line. It was a valuable experience for me and I wouldn't hesitate to do it again.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

On the College Trail..

Ok, so this won't be too detailed, but the family is on the college trail. My daughter is a Junior in high school so we have been busy sifting through the mountains of college literature that has been overflowing our mailbox and crafting spreadsheets that record and prioritized the attributes of each school. There are SATs and SAT prep courses and it's just so overwhelming!!! Between the projected costs and my daughter's fickle stance on whether or not she wants to go to school close to home, or on the other end of the earth we are beside ourselves. When she goes it will just be the two of us alone....looking at each other, forever!!!

Any advice on the college hunt, financing or marriage after your kids leave you all alone .... would be greatly appreciated : )

Some Progress

Ok, so I still haven't joined the Y yet - but I have found a job!! It's a temp assignment in the Boston branch of a CA based financial svcs. Co. I just started today and have to say I hope the pace of the office picks up a bit. Sitting at the front desk, I answered a total of 2 phone calls in 7 hours and greeted a total of 4 visitors: the UPS Man, the Mail Man and the two employees who arrived after I did. This is a far cry from my last role of supporting hundreds of operations employees worldwide, and a schedule that seemed to run 24/7 - with sitting in on concalls to Asia at 10PM and arriving at 6AM to set up conferences. Oh yeah, but there was a reason why I left wasn't there? Oh yeah, it was probably the whole 24/7, concalls to Asia, 6AM conference setup - no appreciation thing. : ))

OK, so I'll give this place a try for a bit and see if it evolves into the 9-5 All American Dream that I've been hoping for.

Now that I'll be getting paid - I'll be able to head down to the Y soon sand sign up.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Not Getting Off to a Very Auspicious Start

So... it's 6 days later and I've been on line for most of the week on a daily basis doing everything but working this blog or on anything I could possibly blog about. In my inaugural post I vowed to take reader's on a journey to discover more about myself, the world and life in general. Way to come across as ambitious without really pinning myself down to anything. So needless to say - I haven't really accomplished a whole lot since I've posted. Well, that's not entirely true. I did manage to get my hair and nails done - ( I can hear the collective groans of womankind and feminists everywhere!!! ). I also met with the small business administration to discuss a business idea that I have. That meeting yielded me another appointment and a homework assignment - so I have some work cut out for me. I need to draft up some financial projections for my proposed business. In order to do that, I have some serious benchmarking to do. I will keep you updated on that.

Outside of developing my business plan, I have several other accomplishments that are of equal - if not greater importance. That is to find a job (the verizon bill doesn't pay itself you know?) and get in shape. That being said, I plan to join the local Y (I'll update on that tomorrow.) and will reconnect with my recruiters and let you know how the job search goes.

If you're out there, thanks for reading! I'd' love to hear from you with any questions, advice or feedback.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The Rest of My Life...

Happy New Year!!!

I'm not sure if anyone will read this. If anyone is out there, I am inviting you to take a journey with me. I hadn't intended to wait until New Year's Day to start this process however as cliche as it is, I decided that I wouldn't let that stop me.

I am a 35 year old wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend and work in progress.
Until recently, life has seemed to have just "happened" to me.
Lately, I have started to make some major decisions. Although the results of some of those decisions have been wildly successful, others have been a bit dismal.
Tonight, the catalyst for sitting down and creating this blog has been the realization that I am in control of my life - nobody else. I need to take charge and drive my own destiny, for better or for worse. Hence the title, because today is the first day of "The rest of my life..." Stay Tuned!