Thursday, July 1, 2010

I'm Back!

It's so challenging keeping up with this thing when life is so busy! However, if for nothing else, I need to stop in every once in a while so I can keep tabs on all that I have going on!

So far this year - my daughter finished her freshman year of college, I was the Publicity Chair and captained a team for the East Boston Relay for Life, participated on the committee (my first year not as chair) for the 4th Annual Sacred Heart Festival featuring the Stylistics and coordinated a community forum to discuss the advent of a Casino Forum at Suffolk Downs.

That combined with my full time/contract gig as a training coordinator at a downtown financial firm, the continued growth of my business and event consultancy and my clothing line and a couple of sales gigs - is keeping me pretty busy.

But, like I said, I need a place to stop for a moment and make note of the noteable stuff. So - hopefully, ideally - I'll be back soon!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Year in Review

So...I didn't really do a great job of blogging last year but have a plan to keep up for this year. I'll share that in the next post.

I was going to do a quick year in review but decided that a lot of last year's activities and milestones will make a cameo appearance in this year's blog posts - if not completely feature. A few items include my one and only daughter turning 18, graduating high school and beginning college; running several successful events for the church - including another amazing annual festival, Captaining a team for my first 'Relay for Life' all night walk, becoming laid off - deciding to go out on my own as a freelance admin/event planner - join the chamber, coordinate a series of successful client events AND beginning my own clothing line!

Stay tuned for this year's posts. They are sure to be interesting!!!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

10 Miles Behind Me and 10,000 More to Go...

So - as I'm sitting here at 12:30 A.M. on Friday 5/29 I'm pondering my one and only daughter's last day of high school and her upcoming graduation while watching the last episode of the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. He just had James Taylor on who performed our (mine and Jay's - who knew?) favorite song - Sweet Baby James. The lyrics that resonate with both of us the most are " ...10 miles behind me and 10,000 more to go..."

I've done a lot of thinking lately - particularly today - about how much work it has taken to get my little cherub to this point in her educational career and how much more work she has ahead of her and I have ahead of me. So it's interesting how appropriate those lyrics are.

It's also funny how quickly time flies and major milestones creep up on you. I remember when she got accepted to this school and I contemplated the 6 year path ahead of her/us. It seemed like an eternity but it all went by in the blink of an eye. There have been dozens, no hundreds of activities and and events, projects and papers, dances, shows and competitions, breakfasts and banquets that have distracted us along the way. Each occasion stealing a slice out of this 6-year eternity. This morning I woke up and it was my baby's last day of - well being a baby. We have exactly 1 week and 3 days until graduation - then that's it. It's over. She's a grown up who will be heading to college in the fall. Hey wait - it's not over yet....she's going to college in the fall!! Where she'll spend 4 long years....Phew! That was close!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Busy, Busy...Business!

I have to be the world's busiest unemployed person!!! I swear between the political campaigns, the fundraising projects, networking intiatives, and then the 1 or 2 actual clients - not to mention my poor neglected family - I've hardly had time to come up for air!! I've been having a blast and - despite my tentative steps toward promoting my own business - I've made some excellent connections and contacts almost effortlessly. I've distributed business cards all over the place and even have people asking me for my cards. I think in this day and age of downsizing and growing interest in entrepreneurial endeavors - my freelance Administrative Assistant, Virtual Assistant, and Event Planning services are very marketable. Should my business take off the way things seem to be indicating - I'll need to ramp up my infrastructure pretty quickly. These are very exciting times!!! I will post shortly with updates on all of my endeavors.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Marathon Weekend...24 Hours to Finish Line

This has been a Marathon weekend in more ways than one. (Funny that I thought of that title before realizing that this is indeed marathon weekend!)

The weekend actually started on Friday morning for me at 5:30AM. To satisfy my need to be involved, my little cherub signed me up to bake for and help out at her highschool's annual French breakfast. To that end, I woke up a tad bit early to back 4 quiche - 3 for French breakfast and one for the hubby to bring to work. We arrived at school at 7:20 and and I was there through about noon as I helped set up, attend and and break down the event. I have to say that the student's each displayed some amazing talents from the students that performed various songs, poetry, dances and talents that are indigenous to francophone countries,to those that assisted in the set up and hosting of the breakfast as well as my own darling little creative genius - who plied her craft of henna artistry.

I arrived home shortly before 1:00 and hopped on the phone with my Mom to discuss her status with regards to the Excel homework assignment I had given her the night before. I was hoping to avoid another in person tutorial - which would have been my fourth of the week full of installments of PC Bootcamp. Unfortunately - mom was going to require another housecall. So - I was with Mom for about 2 1/2 hours and winding down the days lesson with a new homework assignment when my little sister called to ask if I would like to join her for a mani/pedi. That was my cue to make my departure and head on over to House of Nails for some much needed R&B (rest and beautification). I grabbed myself a large ice coffee on the way, strolled into House of Nails, stuck my head into the waxing room where my littlest sister was having her eyebrows dealt with (We all of us 5 sisters are some of the most follicly challenged chicks on the planet!!), picked out a demure shade of pink for the fingertips and an awesomely whore-tastic red polish for the toes and settled in to my motorized massaging pedicure chair. An hour and a half and 20 dazzling tips later - I realized that one of my young cousins was receiving his Confirmation that eventing - within about 1/2 hour. I ran up the street to catch up with my brother to make it to church within minutes of the start of the ceremony. There was a very lovely mass followed by dinner and a few brandies at the house with the extended family. At about 9:30 I headed over to the headquarters for one of our local campaigns just to check in for a big rally set for the next day.

Saturday the hubby, cherub and I headed out before 7:30 to attend an accepted student's day at the College cherub will be attending in the fall. It is an art school within 45 minutes of us. Immediately we were struck by the quaint small town feel and awed by the art on exhibit in the many on site galleries. The setting is a huge departure from the hectic downtown backdrop where she has spent the last 6 years of her career. This is going to be a much needed change that will enable her to focus on her studies. After our initial group discussion and tour of the compact campus - they separated parents from students - with the students participating in workshops and parents joining in focus discussions. I had to duck out early to help out at the political rally back home and left the hubby and the cherub to enjoy lunch on campus.

The turnout and success of the rally was phenomenal. It wrapped up by mid afternoon which gave me some time to visit a couple of my BFF's before reconnecting with my family and one of my LLBFF's (life-long BFF) for dinner of good old-fashioned pizza and a run to a 24 hour bakery. I had also promised the LLBFF - who is newly separated - a night out. Although I had some concerns about meeting her expectations - we settled in for a few margaritas and martinis at the local martini bar until about 1AM.

Sunday morning I headed out to brunch with Ms. Fabulous Blogger herself of Fabulously out there at the same Martini bar. We had bumped into each other there a few weeks prior and plotted to catch up in the real world so there we were. We sunk our teeth into some amazing French toast and girl chat and before we knew it - time had just flown by. I caught up with the family and dropped the cherub to the movie theatre. With the rest of the afternoon before us - hubby and I headed out for a Sunday drive in the country. We stopped in a couple of shops and a diner along the way and just chilled out. We hadn't done that in years. After heading back to the city, we retrieved the cherub and headed home.

After reflecting on the exhausting weekend and how glad to be back home - I laughing at the thought that it is not over yet. Happy Patriot's Day! I think I might just be sleeping on tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Busy Weekend, Meeting With Recruiter - Update you later

Ok - I just wanted to force myself to write something before I bolt out the door. I had the most hectic weekend and am running to a doctor's appointment and meet with my recruiter then a visit with som pals at the State House. Will write more later.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Back to Blogging

Hi Folks,
Amazing how fast time flies. I've been away from the blog for over 3 months. I realize how much I need an outlet where I am able to share my stories with folks that are interested. It's very cathartic to put things in print where I can actually see how great my life is and realize the whirlwind that it is. This weekend alone I'm in the process of writing 2 resumes, crafting a proposal for a prospective client, hosting a birthday party for my 18 year old and running a fndraiser for my church. Although I am truly pretty busy - I want to make it a point to stop and write a few lines every day.

I'll be back soon!