Monday, December 1, 2008

Back...Again!!! (Again) And the whole liquid diet thing.

Ok, so it's been two months and let's just say - the liquid diet - not so much. I continued on it for another 6 weeks or so but not very religiously - particularly toward the end there. I'm thinking weight watchers is the way to go. Every time I have been on the plan - the pounds have stayed off. That and the gym. Since I am broke and already have a membership being deducted monthly - I might as well immerse myself in that as a form of entertainment.

So - the final tally was 15 lbs lost. God knows how much I have gained back but - looks like I'm heading out to Weight Watchers to give that another try. I really need to get healthy, fit and slim. God knows I'm super-sized hotness - but I'd really like to know what it's like to be average or even large-sized hotness. Any tips are greatly appreciated!

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