Monday, December 1, 2008

Singing at the Hard Rock Cafe

Now, I'm going with the assumption that pretty much everyone reading this - doesn't know me. So, that being said, let me give you some grounding. I tend to lean slightly to the impulsive side in that - I am game for pretty much anything. At least I'll try almost anything once. I also LOVE to sing. I wouldn't say that I'm terribly great at it - however I love it. I do it anywhere, any time, any song. So - imagine my reaction when, while trolling Craig's List for opportunities for my event management sideline, I stumbled across an opportunity to sing back-up at the Hard Rock Cafe. Naturally, I shot out an e-mail and was thrilled to get an almost immediate response. This all started a week ago Friday. By Monday, I found myself during my coffee break scrambling for a vacant foyer in which to audition via cell phone. Tuesday morning found me rehearsing in the back of a rental car and Wednesday night had me singing back-up at the Hard Rock Cafe for a wonderful performer by the name of Viola Kurari. It was her Boston area CD release party and one of her tracks had multiple background components which was why she needed to beef up her ranks a bit. I'm not so sure I have a future as a back-up singer, however it was a truly amazing experience!! Scary, exciting, exhilirating - and amazing!!

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