Tuesday, December 2, 2008

On Fish, Crabs, Tranny Boots and Shopping...

So – I have been on a mission to get this grab gift for the office. The theme is ‘In the News’ so I thought that a fish themed gift basked of sorts would be very funny. Considering that one of the biggest insults you can give to a newspaper is to call it fishwrap and considering the current financial reporting and the nature of the business I’m in I thought it would be funny to wrap these fish items with the stock reports etc.

Did I anticipate what a giant P in the A finding fish themed items would be?? Heck no!! Allie and Kevin started last night and it was a challenge. I continued the mission today during my lunch break with these giant patent vinyl tranny boots.

Also – did I mention – as if you all don’t know what a crab I’ve been??? Again, in keeping with the fish theme… : )

So, Imagine my surprise when I headed out with the tranny boots, crabby attitude and no clue what to get… that I would actually have a nice shopping experience. When I came up empty at TJ Maxx ( I was seeking fish shaped plates to go with the goldfish crackers, pretzels and Swedish fish) I headed toward CVS and the book store and saw Copley Flair, a cute little gift store that was packed with people. As soon as I walked in, Judy helped me dig out anything she could find that was fish-shaped. Then as I headed back to her register as I was wrapping up my selection, feeling a bit better about my task, still not completely done, she purposefully stopped me to tell me that I look good. It was a very pointed “girl – you look good”. I was stunned. My hair is not quite done - but up in a clip, and I’m wearing my glasses instead of contacts. I am wearing the tranny boots a grey dress and a black overcoat – so maybe that was it. I thanked her as I stood in line and she rang up the 3 customers in front of me. She said no really – the glasses everything – you need to take me shopping. I laughed and told her how she had no idea what a bad day I’d been having. She went on to say – I’d love to see what you look like on a good day then! At that point I was grinning from ear to ear. I didn’t even lose my smile when I presented my ATM card which was not accepted because I didn’t have my ID and it wasn’t signed. I had almost enough money – except for 25 cents. I was just about ready to run to the ATM and the woman behind me offered up the quarter. I had such a pleasant experience with the sales person and the store, I asked her who I could contact to give some feedback. It just so happened that the owner was on sight so I walked over to him and told him about my positive experience and how his store was like a “beacon” to me on this grab mission. He was thrilled and said that it made his day to hear that and provided me with his business card. As I headed toward the door he stopped me to take his card back and scrawl a note on it that instructed whoever I displayed it to on my next visit – to give me 20% off.

Pretty girl for a crabby chic on a fool’s mission with some tranny boots huh? I thought so!

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