Monday, December 8, 2008

Nothing Too Exciting...

Ok, so there's nothing too exciting to report. Sometimes my life can be so busy that I take it for granted. At times when I have nothing planned I am bored out of my mind, although there are plenty of things that I could be doing, like housework. Sorting out all of the family photos that I've been meaning to get to, exercising, sorting out the know the stuff regular people need to do. Yeah, I prefer to keep myself so busy on projects and outings that I don't have to get to that regular people stuff.

So this weekend when I had absolutely nothing planned - I thought I would keel over from the sheer boredom! Fortunately, a couple of friends saved me from the boredom. First I received a phone call from a friend who was running a holiday event on the greenway in East Boston. It seems that they had planned a lighting of the walkway/greenspace that consisted of placing over 800 luminaries along the path. The festivities also included 2 choral groups, and an offering of cocoa and cookies that was generously donated by a local hotel. Here's where I come in. My friend called me because although the cocoa was being donated - the provider did not have a thermal unit hold the cocoa. I - being the event management diva that I am, sprang to the rescue by calling one of my contacts who gladly donated the cambros for the cocoa. Ultimately, when we arrived at the hotel to pick up the cocoa and cookies, we were surprised to see that the donation consisted of packets of cocoa - not prepared cocoa. We handed over the cambros and requested that they be filled with hot water. Flash to us standing on the greenway in freezing weather whisking the cocoa.

Meanwhile- Dad called for a Santarpio's run, which I had to decline due to the whole cocoa whisking engagement. Then a close friend called for a Kelley's run - which I gladly accepted. (Pizza - not on the diet. Bud light - can be worked in.)

I spent yesterday chilling and contemplating my holiday decoration placement. Tonight we'll do the whole tree set-up thing. Luckily I already put my wreaths and kissing ball in the hallway earlier in the week so it's beginning to smell a lot like Christmas already.

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