Monday, December 8, 2008

Nothing Too Exciting...

Ok, so there's nothing too exciting to report. Sometimes my life can be so busy that I take it for granted. At times when I have nothing planned I am bored out of my mind, although there are plenty of things that I could be doing, like housework. Sorting out all of the family photos that I've been meaning to get to, exercising, sorting out the know the stuff regular people need to do. Yeah, I prefer to keep myself so busy on projects and outings that I don't have to get to that regular people stuff.

So this weekend when I had absolutely nothing planned - I thought I would keel over from the sheer boredom! Fortunately, a couple of friends saved me from the boredom. First I received a phone call from a friend who was running a holiday event on the greenway in East Boston. It seems that they had planned a lighting of the walkway/greenspace that consisted of placing over 800 luminaries along the path. The festivities also included 2 choral groups, and an offering of cocoa and cookies that was generously donated by a local hotel. Here's where I come in. My friend called me because although the cocoa was being donated - the provider did not have a thermal unit hold the cocoa. I - being the event management diva that I am, sprang to the rescue by calling one of my contacts who gladly donated the cambros for the cocoa. Ultimately, when we arrived at the hotel to pick up the cocoa and cookies, we were surprised to see that the donation consisted of packets of cocoa - not prepared cocoa. We handed over the cambros and requested that they be filled with hot water. Flash to us standing on the greenway in freezing weather whisking the cocoa.

Meanwhile- Dad called for a Santarpio's run, which I had to decline due to the whole cocoa whisking engagement. Then a close friend called for a Kelley's run - which I gladly accepted. (Pizza - not on the diet. Bud light - can be worked in.)

I spent yesterday chilling and contemplating my holiday decoration placement. Tonight we'll do the whole tree set-up thing. Luckily I already put my wreaths and kissing ball in the hallway earlier in the week so it's beginning to smell a lot like Christmas already.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

On Fish, Crabs, Tranny Boots and Shopping...

So – I have been on a mission to get this grab gift for the office. The theme is ‘In the News’ so I thought that a fish themed gift basked of sorts would be very funny. Considering that one of the biggest insults you can give to a newspaper is to call it fishwrap and considering the current financial reporting and the nature of the business I’m in I thought it would be funny to wrap these fish items with the stock reports etc.

Did I anticipate what a giant P in the A finding fish themed items would be?? Heck no!! Allie and Kevin started last night and it was a challenge. I continued the mission today during my lunch break with these giant patent vinyl tranny boots.

Also – did I mention – as if you all don’t know what a crab I’ve been??? Again, in keeping with the fish theme… : )

So, Imagine my surprise when I headed out with the tranny boots, crabby attitude and no clue what to get… that I would actually have a nice shopping experience. When I came up empty at TJ Maxx ( I was seeking fish shaped plates to go with the goldfish crackers, pretzels and Swedish fish) I headed toward CVS and the book store and saw Copley Flair, a cute little gift store that was packed with people. As soon as I walked in, Judy helped me dig out anything she could find that was fish-shaped. Then as I headed back to her register as I was wrapping up my selection, feeling a bit better about my task, still not completely done, she purposefully stopped me to tell me that I look good. It was a very pointed “girl – you look good”. I was stunned. My hair is not quite done - but up in a clip, and I’m wearing my glasses instead of contacts. I am wearing the tranny boots a grey dress and a black overcoat – so maybe that was it. I thanked her as I stood in line and she rang up the 3 customers in front of me. She said no really – the glasses everything – you need to take me shopping. I laughed and told her how she had no idea what a bad day I’d been having. She went on to say – I’d love to see what you look like on a good day then! At that point I was grinning from ear to ear. I didn’t even lose my smile when I presented my ATM card which was not accepted because I didn’t have my ID and it wasn’t signed. I had almost enough money – except for 25 cents. I was just about ready to run to the ATM and the woman behind me offered up the quarter. I had such a pleasant experience with the sales person and the store, I asked her who I could contact to give some feedback. It just so happened that the owner was on sight so I walked over to him and told him about my positive experience and how his store was like a “beacon” to me on this grab mission. He was thrilled and said that it made his day to hear that and provided me with his business card. As I headed toward the door he stopped me to take his card back and scrawl a note on it that instructed whoever I displayed it to on my next visit – to give me 20% off.

Pretty girl for a crabby chic on a fool’s mission with some tranny boots huh? I thought so!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Singing at the Hard Rock Cafe

Now, I'm going with the assumption that pretty much everyone reading this - doesn't know me. So, that being said, let me give you some grounding. I tend to lean slightly to the impulsive side in that - I am game for pretty much anything. At least I'll try almost anything once. I also LOVE to sing. I wouldn't say that I'm terribly great at it - however I love it. I do it anywhere, any time, any song. So - imagine my reaction when, while trolling Craig's List for opportunities for my event management sideline, I stumbled across an opportunity to sing back-up at the Hard Rock Cafe. Naturally, I shot out an e-mail and was thrilled to get an almost immediate response. This all started a week ago Friday. By Monday, I found myself during my coffee break scrambling for a vacant foyer in which to audition via cell phone. Tuesday morning found me rehearsing in the back of a rental car and Wednesday night had me singing back-up at the Hard Rock Cafe for a wonderful performer by the name of Viola Kurari. It was her Boston area CD release party and one of her tracks had multiple background components which was why she needed to beef up her ranks a bit. I'm not so sure I have a future as a back-up singer, however it was a truly amazing experience!! Scary, exciting, exhilirating - and amazing!!

Back...Again!!! (Again) And the whole liquid diet thing.

Ok, so it's been two months and let's just say - the liquid diet - not so much. I continued on it for another 6 weeks or so but not very religiously - particularly toward the end there. I'm thinking weight watchers is the way to go. Every time I have been on the plan - the pounds have stayed off. That and the gym. Since I am broke and already have a membership being deducted monthly - I might as well immerse myself in that as a form of entertainment.

So - the final tally was 15 lbs lost. God knows how much I have gained back but - looks like I'm heading out to Weight Watchers to give that another try. I really need to get healthy, fit and slim. God knows I'm super-sized hotness - but I'd really like to know what it's like to be average or even large-sized hotness. Any tips are greatly appreciated!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Big loss....huge gains!!!

I made it through my first week of the liquid diet, albeit a little bit shakey. When I left the initial meeting, I was adamant that I would only do the shakes and keep the program very rigid. (They now have all kinds of options that are part of the 'decision free' plan including bars and entrees. What kind of tough diet program is this?) Then I went home and tried the multigrain cereal sample they gave me. OMG! In a sea of shakes, this stuff is awesome! It's like really high fiber oatmeal with bits of apples, cranberries and currants. And filling??? So, for this week, I took home a box of those babies and they have really taken the edge off of the hunger. I have 4 shakes each day at 100 calories each and then 1 cereal which is like 250 and I am perfectly content.

The only time that I am challenged is when I am around really, really, good food! Like when the hubby, who hasn't cooked a meal in months that hasn't involved vegetables and/or tofu or some other non-meat entree, decides to cook a boiled dinner. WTF?????????? I was absolutely starving the other night when I cam home to the smells of that delicous melange of smoked shoulder, potatoes, vegetables and (for the Portuguese side) linguica and chourico. I wanted to cry!!

Really, I wanted to sit down and pile my plate high with cabbage, potatoes and carrots, cover them in butter and salt and pepper and mash them up just like I did when I was a kid and have every boiled dinner since. I wanted to spear a giant chunk of linguica and chourico and carve a slab of smoked shoulder and pile those bad boys on my plate and just chow!!!

Instead I pulled out a packet of cereal and poured it into a bowl heated it up with some water in the microwave. Scrumptious!!!

Oh, I forgot to say - I lost 10 lbs.!!!! My tighetst jeans or as I refer to them 'my spleen bruising jeans' are already getting loose!! I'm going to have to take some pics to chart my progress. The befores will be gross but it will definitely make the impact of how amazing the afters will be.

Ok, gotta go. Will check in again on Tuesday after the next weigh in. Unlesss I stop in to post pics.

Friday, September 19, 2008


Ok, I'm back again and am vowing to keep up with posting at least twice a week. I do have lots of exciting and interesting things going on and my family is sick of hearing about it.

Since my last post I got a new tattoo, sang with a Neil Diamond tribute band, saw Neil Diamond live at Fenway, by myself, with an awesome ticket I scored for 50 bucks right outside the park, started a new liquid diet and much more.

I'm at work now, so I cant' really go on and on, but I will be keeping the site up to date with all kinds of interesting tidbits as well as weekly updates on the diet status. Knowing that I'm currently super-sized hotness, I'm hoping to be zeroing in on average-sized hotness by December and by Spring to be the very vision of hotness.

K - gotta run! Will keep you posted!

Friday, July 25, 2008

I'm Back

Not that I have any readership to keep up with but, I've been spending most of my blog time on my other blog titled "Family Style". We (my siblings, their spouses, etc. and I) created it about a month and a half ago as a means to communicate about and inspire one another on our missions to get in shape and lose weight. It is a private blog, so unfortunately, unless you're related, you won't get to read the insanity that we can often come up with. I'm a big fat exhibitionist (not literally) and really don't care who reads my stuff, but many of my family members are a lot more shy than I am.

At any rate - I am a little bit peeved with them because NO ONE has been blogging lately. Seems like everyone has fallen off the wagon or off the face of the earth. I've been blogging my chubby little heart out and no responses. Soo... I 'm working on distributing my blog time a little more evenly so that I make time for my mid-life progress.

I'm at work now, but wanted to drop a quick note in the event any new visitors stopped by and noted the March date from my last post. I'll be back tonight!


Monday, March 10, 2008

Things are shaping up...

Figuratively and a little bit literally. My earlier posts discuss wanting to get a new job, join a gym and essentially move forward with my life. Although I didn't get off to a super fast start, things are really starting to come together.

My temp job turns permanent effective tomorrow with a %12 increase and much better commute, location and situation than the job I walked out on based on my principles at the end of the summer.

I joined a gym and will have my first workout at 6am tomorrow - er - today. Even still, I've already lost almost 8 lbs. by watching what I've been eating over the last couple of weeks.

A bonus item, I've found a new great apartment and will be moving by the end of the month, and I wasn't even looking!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Relative Differences

I could not imagine not seeing my siblings on a regular basis. If I don't see at least 2 thirds of my siblings complet with spouses, children and pets a couple of times a week - they all but call out the national guard for a well-being check! Seriously, when I was growing up I, along with the other two eldest sisters would talk about how one day, we would live in a triple decker. This was before our two youngest sisters were born and clearly excludes our oldest sibling and brother. Sorry bro - we still love you!!! This almost came to fruition when two of us wound up in our grandparents' 3 family. We were delighted! Even though our oldest sister defected all the way to New Hampshire, the rest of us all still live within a 5 mile radius. After our grandparents passed away, they had to sell the house and my sister and I were separated by - gasp- almost a mile! Even though we can frequently be found going to Mass, followed by breakfast on Sundays, and running around on all kinds of errands and wild goose chases together, we knew that the distance was just too far and would not do. Just under a year and a half later, I found a great apartment just around the corner from my sister's new house! Within a month we'll be reunited - Amen!!!

Some people might think I'm nuts, but that's not that half of my crazy family codependency issues!! Not only do we spend every birthday, holiday, Mother's Day, Father's Day & Memorial Day (I'm not kidding) together, we all also e-mail and call each other on a several-times-a-daily basis!!

Now - when it comes to my husband's family - the situation is completely different. He is the youngest in a family of 8 and has a twin and he doesn't really keep in touch with any of them, not even his twin!!! I can't even fathom it!!! I don't care how dysfunctional a family can be, how do you go DECADES without seeing each other and years without speaking???????????

Sadly, we attended a wake for my sister in law's husband - a couple that, even though they only live a couple of cities over, we only see once a year at best. It took that wake to see two more of his siblings that we haven't seen in over a decade!!!! Folks, that's insanity. I come from a very touchy - feely, at times dope-slappy family, so I accosted these people with hugs and kisses and threats (not really) of dope slaps if they didn't do the same among themselves. After the wake, I scolded my husband, as I always do around the holidays, sibling birthdays, special occasions, weekends... well you get the point.

People, keep in touch with your families no matter what shape or size they take. Whether you're related by blood or by mutual admiration, respect and love. Time goes too fast!! Enjoy your family every day!!!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Mothers Be Good To Your Daughters

Over the weekend I spent some quality time with a close friend and her two daughters. Our families are very, extremely close and in summer, we are often inseparable. Being the young mothers of three extremely bright, beautiful and engaging teenage girls, we have some great adventures and some very candid discussions. The discussions cover every topic under the sun from fashion to education to careers to relationships and sex. As GenX moms of GenY girls, we identified a long time ago that there is nothing to be gained by being shy or coy in communicating about sex or relationships when it comes to our girls. The topics are far too vast to be relegated to one big "talk".

New Job & Other New Beginnings

Ok, so a while back I blogged about my new temp assignment and how I hoped the pace would pick up a bit and wondered if it would evolve into the all-American 9 to 5 dream. Well, it has picked up and it is evolving into a 9 to 5:30 dream. Hopefully I'll have my job offer tomorrow and it lands close to my target. Then I'll be able to accept the offer and live happily ever after!! Aaah!!!

The people are great, the work is interesting and a far cry from the tech mfg. environment I spent the last 7+ years in. Isn't it interesting how much less affected an investment firm can be by investors than a technology company? Probably because investors understand a lot more about investments, than say - how to design, develop and manufacture semi-conductor test equipment???? I imagine in the new employer's investor meetings there are a lot less screams of "send it to China, it's cheaper in China!!!". Oh the insanity of it all!!

Sorry - I was having flashbacks for a minute.

So, on other new beginnings, I recently started a new nutrition management program. It's not as much a program, as it is a plan. I made it up myself based on observations and common sense judgements from myself and folks who have had success with weight loss and mgmt and I think it's actually working. Are you ready for it? It's really simple. Consume reasonable amounts (not weighed or measured, just eyeballed) of basic proteins(chicken, fish, lean beef), fruits and vegetables (low carb ones - mostly greens)and complex carbs (brown rice, high fiber bread and oatmeal) and that's it. By doing that about 2/3 of the time over my first week, I lost 2.5 lbs. I also had my period when I weighed in so you know the loss would have been higher if not for the bloat.

Additionally, I have blogged about wanting to - no needing to- join a gym. I think I have my answer, planet fitness has a location near gov't ctr. (not far from the new office) and on 1A. I can do downtown during the week and 1A on the weekends. Plus 1A has free tanning!!! Love that!!!!! So, when I get the first "real" check, I'll probably sign up and be at the gym daily in the AM. I love it!!!!!!

So, here's to new beginnings, new jobs, and a smaller, tanner, richer, happier me!!!!!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

An Unintended Wish...Answered

So, I have always been up for helping out a good cause - particularly if there is an opportunity to have fun, learn something new about myself or to set and meet some challenges that I wouldn't have otherwise entertained in the process. It's always nice when there's a double payoff that way.

I think my first community service gig was when I participated in the "Walk For Hunger". I think I was about 14 or so and I was so excited that I was able to finish all 20 miles. I have completed about7 or 8 more walks for hunger since, along with one breast cancer 3-day event and have volunteered at a retirement home for veterans and a shelter for woman and children. I am vice president of a local charity and have recently become involved in my churches fundraising program as well as the local political landscape. So - you may be wondering, along with my husband, "is there anything that she wouldn't do?" Yeah, if there is one weakness that I have - it's a problem with saying no - especially to good causes.

Another thing about me is I have a huge aversion to death and any mention of it or anything that will even make me think about it. My husband and daughter can't help but laugh at me as I change the channel or flee from the room at the mere mention of anything to do with it crosses the television screen. I am really that bad.

So, both of these major factors being considered, imagine my conflict when a friend requested that I volunteer to help out on an event that's sole purpose is to cater to members of the local chapter of "Make A Wish Foundation". Although I'm always up for helping out ANY good cause, the prospect of being faced with the grim specter of terminally ill children, tore at me and was almost debilitating.

But I am so glad I said yes.

The event took place today and it catered to dozens of seriously ill children and their families. I was really terrified at the thought of interracting with all of those children. I was terrified that they would sense my discomfort. I was terrified that my anxiety would be apparent and my interraction with them would cast a pall over their day. Quite the opposite happened. These kids and their families were absolutely amazing! The place was wall to wall smiles as the children participated in all kinds of activities. They sang and danced, they got their faces painted and did art work. They met Cinderella and Snow White, took pictures with Winnie the Pooh and Power Rangers. They just had a blast and their joy was contagious.

There was this one litte girl that captured the hearts of everyone in attendance. Her name is Lexy and I don't think she was older than 10. Despite her illness, which I presume caused the condition that had her wearing a bandana to compensate for hair loss, Lexy stole the show, literally. She sang and danced and took over the run of the floor. She gave such a vigorous performance for a large portion of the day, you almost forgot that she was ill. Se was such a riot, when she literally stole the show, and the microphone, from the DJ. He referred to her as his partner and she was just truly inspirational with a voice and performance that could rival Hanna Montana. The overall atmosphere was so upbeat that I forgot that we were at a "Make A Wish" event. It truly was a joy and a privilege to be there helping out and have the opportunity to meet all of those kids and families.

At the end of the day, all of us volunteers lined the gangplank in a "goodbye line" to thank all the guests for coming and it was wonderful to see all of them still beaming as they left- even little Lexy as she high-fived us all of the way down the line. It was a valuable experience for me and I wouldn't hesitate to do it again.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

On the College Trail..

Ok, so this won't be too detailed, but the family is on the college trail. My daughter is a Junior in high school so we have been busy sifting through the mountains of college literature that has been overflowing our mailbox and crafting spreadsheets that record and prioritized the attributes of each school. There are SATs and SAT prep courses and it's just so overwhelming!!! Between the projected costs and my daughter's fickle stance on whether or not she wants to go to school close to home, or on the other end of the earth we are beside ourselves. When she goes it will just be the two of us alone....looking at each other, forever!!!

Any advice on the college hunt, financing or marriage after your kids leave you all alone .... would be greatly appreciated : )

Some Progress

Ok, so I still haven't joined the Y yet - but I have found a job!! It's a temp assignment in the Boston branch of a CA based financial svcs. Co. I just started today and have to say I hope the pace of the office picks up a bit. Sitting at the front desk, I answered a total of 2 phone calls in 7 hours and greeted a total of 4 visitors: the UPS Man, the Mail Man and the two employees who arrived after I did. This is a far cry from my last role of supporting hundreds of operations employees worldwide, and a schedule that seemed to run 24/7 - with sitting in on concalls to Asia at 10PM and arriving at 6AM to set up conferences. Oh yeah, but there was a reason why I left wasn't there? Oh yeah, it was probably the whole 24/7, concalls to Asia, 6AM conference setup - no appreciation thing. : ))

OK, so I'll give this place a try for a bit and see if it evolves into the 9-5 All American Dream that I've been hoping for.

Now that I'll be getting paid - I'll be able to head down to the Y soon sand sign up.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Not Getting Off to a Very Auspicious Start

So... it's 6 days later and I've been on line for most of the week on a daily basis doing everything but working this blog or on anything I could possibly blog about. In my inaugural post I vowed to take reader's on a journey to discover more about myself, the world and life in general. Way to come across as ambitious without really pinning myself down to anything. So needless to say - I haven't really accomplished a whole lot since I've posted. Well, that's not entirely true. I did manage to get my hair and nails done - ( I can hear the collective groans of womankind and feminists everywhere!!! ). I also met with the small business administration to discuss a business idea that I have. That meeting yielded me another appointment and a homework assignment - so I have some work cut out for me. I need to draft up some financial projections for my proposed business. In order to do that, I have some serious benchmarking to do. I will keep you updated on that.

Outside of developing my business plan, I have several other accomplishments that are of equal - if not greater importance. That is to find a job (the verizon bill doesn't pay itself you know?) and get in shape. That being said, I plan to join the local Y (I'll update on that tomorrow.) and will reconnect with my recruiters and let you know how the job search goes.

If you're out there, thanks for reading! I'd' love to hear from you with any questions, advice or feedback.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The Rest of My Life...

Happy New Year!!!

I'm not sure if anyone will read this. If anyone is out there, I am inviting you to take a journey with me. I hadn't intended to wait until New Year's Day to start this process however as cliche as it is, I decided that I wouldn't let that stop me.

I am a 35 year old wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend and work in progress.
Until recently, life has seemed to have just "happened" to me.
Lately, I have started to make some major decisions. Although the results of some of those decisions have been wildly successful, others have been a bit dismal.
Tonight, the catalyst for sitting down and creating this blog has been the realization that I am in control of my life - nobody else. I need to take charge and drive my own destiny, for better or for worse. Hence the title, because today is the first day of "The rest of my life..." Stay Tuned!